In one 24-hour period I watched the finals for three major sporting events: the 2015 Asia Cup, the Australian Open and the American Super Bowl. Consider cutting me some slack since I’m writing a thesis and sports are, by far, my healthiest distraction. The Australian Socceroos defeated the tough Korea Republic team 2-1 in extended […]
12 Days Before Christmas
Tucked away on the ground floor of a modern mall in one of Hanoi’s several upscale leafy neighborhoods recently I watched Frank Capra’s It’s A Wonderful Life again and yes, I cried – again. At one point while watching this 1946 classic black and white version of Depression-era America I turned and shared a hankie with a […]
عن الجامعة الألمانية
فى ظل الأحداث التى تجرى فى الجامعة الألمانية وبما أنى عملت بالجامعة الألمانية بين 2003 و 2008 وجدت أننى يجب أن أكتب شيئاً وإن كنت أعرف أن ما سأكتب يمكن أن يغضب الكثيرين بدأً أود أن أسجل أن فصل الطلاب لم يكن بالقرار الصائب فى رأيي وأعتقد أن إلغاء القرار واجب. أيضاً أود أن […]
Egypt – Convert Phonebook to New Mobile Codes
Okay, this is a quick one to help poor folks convert their phone book mobile numbers to the new codes in Egypt… Export your phonebook (don’t ask me how, every phone is different), make sure you keep a backup copy. Copy and Paste Name and Phone Number to this excel sheet in Column A,B. Here […]
GUC grants GUCians a student Union
GUC student after the Jan25 revolution requested several things most importantly a Student Union that they surely deserve. The move came few years late but the Univ. is only 8 years old. Students as well demanded to overlook the budget of the Univ. – something that doesn’t even happen in public universities in Egypt – the […]
A First
I’ve been writing many of my thoughts on facebook status, notes and twitter for quite a while now. A good friend of mine (Val) said I should actually get to blog… It’s revolution days now and there is so much to think about and a lot more to express and I thought maybe I take […]